Steamed Pork Potstickers Recipe – Easy at Home Recipe!

Steamed Pork Potstickers Recipe

Introduction: Steamed Pork Potsticker Recipe

Steamed Pork Potstickers are a beloved appetizer known for their crisp bottom and tasty filling. Potstickers originated in Chinese culture but have since become a global staple. This recipe combines pork, herbs, vegetables, and spices to create a unique and elevated potsticker that is super tasty!

Ingredients of Steamed Pork Potstickers

High quality ingredients can make a world of difference when preparing this steamed pork potsticker recipe! This dish combines flavorful seasonings, vegetables, and pork to create a tasty side dish. These are the primary ingredients used in our steamed pork potsticker recipe:

Ground Pork

Look for high quality ground pork for the best taste and texture. Pork is one of the backbones of this dish.

Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs such as cilantro and chives add a bit of extra flavor. The fresh herbs add a vibrant taste that is unique to this dish.

Soy Sauce and Sesame Oil

Soy sauce and sesame oil combine in this dish to create a deep and contrasting flavor. Both soy sauce and sesame oil are key to seasoning the meat.

Fresh Garlic and Ginger

Freshly minced garlic and ginger bring in bold, aromatic flavors to this dish. We recommend opting for fresh garlic and ginger rather than dried or premade garlic and ginger for the brightest flavors.

Tools to Make Steamed Pork Potstickers at Home

The right tools can make cooking a fun and enjoyable experience. This dish is designed to be made at home using standard cookware found on our Kitchen Essentials List. Specifically, the following items are necessary:

  1. Nonstick Pan: A nonstick pan is necessary when cooking the potstickers and steaming the potstickers. Make sure to use a pan that has a well fitting lid.
  2. Steamer Basket: Optionally, you can use a steamer basket to avoid burning the bottoms of the potstickers. After cooking the bottoms of the potstickers, transition them to a steamer basket and continue cooking.

Recipe Overview: How to Make Steamed Pork Potstickers

Prepare the Filling

Mix together the ground pork with cilantro, chives, bok choy, soy sauce, sesame oil, and seasoning to create the filling for the steamed pork potstickers.

Assemble the Potstickers

Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each potsticker wrapper. Wet the edges of each wrapper and fold to seal.

Cook & Steam

Heat the potstickers in a non-stick pan until the bottoms are golden brown, then steam the potstickers until the wrappers and pork are fully cooked. Optionally, the potstickers can be steamed in a steaming basket to avoid burning the bottoms.

What to Serve with Steamed Pork Potstickers

There are many recipes you can serve alongside these steamed pork potstickers. This recipe works particularly well as a side dish. Consider serving with any of the following:

Light Cucumber Salad

If you’re looking for a healthy accompaniment, consider serving these potstickers alongside a light cucumber salad. The fresh taste of the cucumber will pair well with the potstickers.

Ginger-Infused Soy Sauce

If you’re looking for a sauce to serve with these steamed pork potstickers, consider serving Ginger Infused Soy Sauce. This sauce has a slightly more vibrant taste than traditional soy sauce.

Sesame Chicken and Jasmine Rice

If you’re looking for a full meal to serve with these steamed pork potstickers, consider serving with Sesame Chicken and Jasmine Rice. When served together, these recipes create a very filling table!


These steamed pork potstickers are absolutely delicious! The secret lies in the balance of flavors and textures – the juicy, flavorful filling, and the perfect pan-frying technique that gives them their characteristic crispy bottom. This classic dish is a staple in Asian cuisine, offering a symphony of flavors and textures in every bite. The steamed pork potsticker recipe is a great side dish for many meals and easy to make at home in any kitchen!

Steamed Pork Pot Sticker Recipe

Steamed Pork Pot Stickers

This Pork Steamed Pot Sticker recipe offers a gourmet twist on a classic favorite, perfect for impressing guests or indulging in a luxurious meal at home.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 4
Calories 300 kcal




Prepare the Filling

  • In a large bowl, combine 1 pound ground pork, 2 cups bok choy, 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, 1 tablespoon chives, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, 1 clove garlic, and 2 teaspoons ginger. Add a dash of Salt and Pepper. Mix well.
    1 pound ground pork, 2 cups bok choy, 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, 1 tablespoon chives, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, 1 clove garlic, 2 teaspoons ginger, Salt, Pepper

Assemble Pot Stickers

  • Place a spoonful of the pork mixture on the center of each of the 24 wontons.
    24 wontons
    Steamed pork potsticker recipe
  • Wet the edges of each wrapper with water & fold over. Pleat or pinch to seal.
    IMG 0749 e1701808428647


  • Heat 2 tablespoons vegetable oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Place pot stickers in the skillet and cook until the bottoms are golden brown.
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Add a small amount of Water to the skillet. Cover and continue cooking over medium heat. Steam the pot stickers for 5-7 minutes or until fully cooked.
  • Remove from heat and enjoy hot. Optionally, serve with our Soy-Ginger Dipping Sauce!

Your Notes


Serving: 5pot stickersCalories: 300kcal
Keyword Appetizer, Pork
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